Saturday, February 6, 2010

Harmony in Interior Design and Decorating

In interior design and decorating a home, harmony can be defined many ways with words. It can mean agreement, unity, flow, cohesiveness. But beyond any word you choose to describe harmony, it is in the end how the space makes you feel when you are in it. Following are two main points to think about so you room will feel harmonious.

Unity and Variety need to be combined with just the right balance to be aesthetically and visually compatible. Unity can be achieved by repetition and/or similarity of parts. . For example, lines you see in the architecture of your home could be a repeated in some of the major pieces of furniture to maintain the integrity of the architecture and as a result, unify the look.
The same would hold true about accessories and art that echo the style and colors of the furnishings and solidify the uniformity. Good design will balance unity and variety for harmony.

Even when choosing wall colors for your home, harmony is important. One color can often be boring and monotonous. Having a variety of wall colors that are chosen so the flow one to the other will and placing them on the walls so they complement their surroundings and architecture is so important in creating harmony in your home.

After many years of experience in interior design, one of the top design mistakes I see is lack of harmony in client’s spaces. Whether it is helping clients choose wall colors or furinture or window coverings, harmony is important in making you feel good in your space. Give us a call and we will be happy to help you create harmony in your home.
Anita Thompson…. Interior Spaces… 503-692-6077 Visit our website for more information.

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